1. Semester Packages: NMS operates on a trimester calendar of SPRING (20 weeks) SUMMER (12 weeks) and FALL (20 weeks). These are the most highly discounted method of paying.
2. Private Lesson Fees: ALL other lessons will be auto-billed by credit card on the first day of the month. This can be circumvented if student pays before the first of the month using cash or check for gift card benefits, or if they prefer a manual charge by credit or debit card. Any lessons not paid by the 8th day of each month will incur a $10 late fee per month, and will be dropped off the regular schedule.
3. One-time Registration Fee: There is a one-time registration fee of $30.00 for each immediate family. This can be waived if 12 lessons (3 months) or more are bought up front.
4. Cancellation/Makeup Lessons: Lessons canceled less than 24 hours in advance can not be refunded or rescheduled. All cancellations including requests NOT made before 24 hours of the lesson must be made via email or texted directly to 1) your personal instructor AND 2) NMS front desk (emailed: or Text message at 626-708-0122). Emergency situations must be approved of by NMS front desk in order to be made up within the month. Lessons will expire at the end of the month.
5. Vacation & Scheduled Days Off: An autopay member student may avoid paying for vacation days off if arranged before the beginning of each month. Send an emailed request to before the beginning of the month to have your account placed on hold for those days, and credit given so that a lesser amount is debited for the upcoming month. If student has already paid for the month, and as long as there is 24 hour notice given both to the instructor and email sent to, or text sent to 626-708-0122, they will be given a credit for the next month and charged less on their autopay for the following month.
6. NMS is open all year round and lessons are assumed to take place on all holidays except Thanksgiving, Christmas eve, Christmas day, New Years eve, and New Years day, however even on these days, an instructor may choose to schedule a different day of lessons to make up for those which fall on holidays.
7. Substitute teachers are provided when a student's regular instructor cannot make a lesson. Alternatively, an instructor may agree to giving extra time on other days to make up for the missed lesson. If a student declines the substitute teacher option, they have the following options: 1) arrange make up lessons with primary teacher, to be used within the month, 2) pay for single lessons without a promised time slot.
8. Instructor foibles: In the event of instructor illness, cancellation, or tardiness, the lesson will be credited or made up to the student by the primary or substitute instructor.
9. Checks Returned Unpaid to NMS: Bounced checks incur a fee of $30.
10. Termination of Agreement If students plan on terminating or suspending their lessons, they must give one week notice to the instructor and to the NMS staff.
11. Students and parents are asked to initial consent waiver allowing NMS to the use of any videos or photos taken at NMS activities for social media/advertising purposes.
2. 缴费方式:所有课程将会在每月第一天通过信用卡进行自动扣费。如果学生在每月1号之前使用现金或者支票进行支付,将会得到一定金额礼品卡奖励(每50美金的课程消费可换取1美金NMS礼品卡);如需要使用不同信用卡或者借记卡进行支付,请在每月1号主动缴费(无NMS礼品卡赠送)。如在每月第8天之前未支付课程费用,将会产生10美金的滞纳金,同时,常规的课程表也会被随之取消。
3.注册费:新学员注册费为$ 30.00/家庭。 如首次一次性购买12节课(3个月)或以上,则可以免除此费用。
4.课程取消/变更规则:上课前24小时以内取消的课程无法退款或改期。 所有课程的取消或者未在课程24小时之前提出的要求,都必须通过电子邮件或直接发送短信给1)您的私人导师 和2)NMS前台(发送电子邮件至:info@neighborhoodmusic.net或发送短信至626-708-0122) 。 紧急情况须得到NMS前台的批准与确认,方可在一个月内补课。 课程有效期在当月底结束。
5.节日与休假:选择自动扣款的学生,在每个假期当月之前提前做好安排,避免在放假期间账户仍进行自动扣费。 在当月初之前将电子邮件请求发送至,以确保您的帐户在此期间处于暂停状态,同时将该课时的学费累计到下个月。 如学生已支付了该月学费,则只需按照24小时前的变更规则通知您的导师并发送电子邮件到,又或者发送短信到626-708-0122,以便工作人员将该课时的学费累计到下个月,确保在下个月的自动缴费中免去重复的扣费。
6. NMS全年开放,节日照常上课(除感恩节,圣诞节前夕,圣诞节,除夕和元旦之外),但是即使在这些日子,如有需要,教师仍可选择在节日当天安排进行补课。
7.当学生的固定老师无法上课时,可为学生提供代课老师。 或者,该老师本人同意在其他时间给学生进行补课。如果学生拒绝代课老师的选择,他们有以下选择:1)与自己的固定老师安排在一个月内进行补课; 2)在未承诺的时间段内支付单节课费用。