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吉他 & 尤克里里课程

One of the easiest instrument to learn is the ukulele.  It is probably the most recommended for kids ages 4-6 who have a desire to learn an instrument.  Our Guitar and Ukulele staff have extensive performance experiences and/or pedagogy degrees. Styles include classical, acoustic, rock, flamenco, and more. We offer performance opportunities in the form of at least 2 recitals per year, local street fairs and community requests, participation in rock and jazz ensembles.  We are developing video classes on How to Play the Guitar, How to Play the Ukulele, and How to Change a String. 

Our standard curriculum includes note reading, repertoire, music theory, scales and chord progressions, and sight reading as part of their weekly lesson. We accept students on the ukulele from age 4 and above, and on the guitar from ages 7 and above, though exceptions are made in an individual basis.

尤克里里(又名夏威夷四弦琴),被誉为最易学的乐器之一  。小巧俏皮的外观让孩子们一见倾心,这应该是最适合4至6岁孩子的乐器了。我们的吉他或四弦琴的老师既有专业技巧又有不同风格,古典、声学、摇滚、弗拉门戈灵活切换。标准课程包括视奏,曲目表演,音乐理论,音阶以及和弦进阶等。若邻音乐学校每年至少有2次演出机会,包括一些商业或非营利性活动表演或应社区要求提供的各种演出,摇滚或爵士乐团演出等。此外,我们正在开发专业的视频课程,比如初学者吉他入门,如何弹奏尤克里里,以及如何更换琴弦等。欢迎4岁及以上的孩子报名我们的吉他课和尤克里里课!


Our Guitar & Bass Instructors

Ken Nagatani (guitar)
Ken Nagatani  吉他老师

17年里,Ken一直在洛杉矶地区多个音乐学校担任教师和演员,除了若邻音乐学校,还包括东洛杉矶学院、长滩城市学院和格兰代尔市学院。 Ken扎实丰富的教学背景让他善于发现孩子的特点,积极的引导,一步一步打下坚实的基础,迈向音乐的成功之路。


: 1:30pm-8:30pm, 周六:9:00am-5:00pm

Jason Lee (guitar)
Jason Lee 吉他老师




John McLean Allan (guitar, electric bass, mandolin, Scottish bagpipes)John McLean Allan (guitar, electric bass, mandolin, Scottish bagpipes) 
After moving from Scotland to Los Angeles to pursue a music career, John has been lucky enough to be able to be a professional musician for over 25 years.  John is a has played and recorded with various performers such as Korn, The Chieftains, Michael Flatley, Charlotte Church, The Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, and The Tonight Show Band.  John has performed at The Hollywood Bowl multiple times and at Coachella. He has also appeared and played in numerous movies, TV shows and stage comedies including  Oscar-winning Best Picture, Million Dollar Baby, 911, Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother,  Austin Powers 2, Primary Colors,  The Tonight Show, The West Wing, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Providence, and What About Dick?, among many others. John has written, produced and released four CDs and his music has been heard on over 100 radio stations all over the world including Sirius XM and KCRW.

Mondays 2pm-8pm

Marcelo Soares (violin)Marcelo Soares (violin, viola) 小提琴和中提琴老师 
马塞洛·苏亚雷斯(Marceo Soares)是一位来自巴西的小提琴家,接受古典音乐的训练并拥有20多年的教学和表演经验。在他广泛而丰富的管弦乐队生涯中,Marcelo担任过里伯里亚交响乐团的音乐会首席,并作为独奏者出现在许多重大演出场合。此外,他还是圣保罗交响乐团的一员,并且在马林·阿尔索普(Marin Alsop)的指导下担任头版小提琴小提琴手。 作为涉猎广泛的国际独奏家,马塞洛·苏亚雷斯(Marcelo Soares)演奏过许多作品,包括安东尼·德沃夏克(Antonin Dvorak)的《浪漫》,卡尔·戈德马克(Karl Goldmark)的维尼亚夫斯基的《第一小提琴协奏曲》。他于2020年1月,获得“第六届中国深圳音乐比赛”一等奖。在管弦乐队的职业生涯之外,以私人授课的形式辅导学生参加比赛,帮助学生准备试镜,培养对音乐的热情等等,并乐此不疲。 Marcelo能说一口流利的葡萄牙语,在2009年应邀担任圣保罗大学的客座讲师。  

周二 2pm-6pm, 周三2pm-7pm 

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  • Neighborhood Music School & Store
  • 若邻音乐学校
    (626) 708-0122
  • 地址:25 S 1st Ave.
    Arcadia, CA 91006
    • Fall hours Aug 15-Oct 15
      • Mon - Wed 2PM-7PM
        Thu-Fri 2pm - 6pm
        Saturday 10AM - 4:30PM
        Sunday appointment only